May 24, 2008 5:04am Week #8

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

The sun was just rising as I once again got out of the car at the trailhead to the sound of dueling whip-poor-wills. One night I will record them. This soundscape has a featured knocker, the piliated woodpecker was a prominent caller this morning towards the end of the recording, in addition to other birds that I haven’t yet identified.

While the air traffic was limited today, I did notice some sort of farm machinery in the distance, the recording location is less than a mile away from some agricultural fields and a pastoral farm. Usually they are quiet save for the occasional cock-a-doodle-do..

This weeks recording:

On the way out I noticed what appeared to be an albino plant, is this possible? See the photo below, does anyone know what this is?

Albino Plant or ...?