Dream Lake & Boiling Springs Lake

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015

Some of you know that I’ve been making some recordings for the National Park Service at Lassen Volcanic National Park. Over the next few weeks I will start posting some snippets of what I have found.

Dream Lake (above) is an area that has been under restoration since the man-made dam was removed in 2011. As the water drained several streams that fed the historic lake converged to form a new habitat.

Image of Boiling Springs Lake

Boiling Springs Lake (above) represents the prime call of what Lassen Volcanic Park is known for: bubbling, gurgling, hydrothermal features.  This is a good example of what Bernie Krause calls “geophony”.

Dream Lake, ORTF:

Boiling Springs Lake, ORTF:

Public Domain Mark

Nature Sounds Society 2014 Workshop

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014
Sunrise at Sierra Valley, CA 2014

The 30th annual Nature Sounds Society Workshop was held the last weekend in June this year. We had a small but eclectic and energizing group of participants and presenters.

Steve Sergeant gave us his take on recording in surround, his method advocates for the use of height channels. The new feature film audio formats such as Atmos use loudspeakers in the ceiling to achieve this immerse effect.

Steve Bumgardner talked about his experience reviving the National Park Service’s print publication (1922-1985) Yosemite Nature Notes in a video format. Steve shared some behind the scenes footage of capturing Moonbows. Please check out the whole series here.

Some of my sounds:

Sierra Valley

Carman Valley had very active overflights this year, a disturbing trend

And finally Madora Lake (LOUD!) This is a recording using Telinga’s SSM stereo mic

Creative Commons LicenseThese recordings by GT Weddig are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Nature Sounds Society 2013 Workshop

Friday, June 28th, 2013

Dan Dugan giving a presentation on microphone directivity. NSS 2013


In June of 2013 the Nature Sounds Society hosted the annual field workshop in the Sierra Nevada mountains of northern California.  Preeminent recordist Lang Elliot was there to inspire us to great recordings and update us on his latest projects.  Along with Lang, his collaborator Marie Read wowed us with her great images and stories of wildlife photography.

Dan Dugan, Steve Sargent and I put together the ever popular microphone directivity session (above) while other attendees were learning how to make their own windscreen with Sharon Perry.  If you ever get a chance it is a weekend well spent.

I’m sorry I didn’t get a photo of the beautiful site at Yuba Pass, I was so tired, as soon as the mics started rolling I fell asleep:


Creative Commons License All recordings by GT Weddig are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Nature Sounds Society 2010 Workshop

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

This year was a bountiful one at the San Francisco State University High Sierra Field Camp.  In addition to the wonderful location there were many recordists with diverse interests ready to record or try recording for the first time.  A  documentary film about the Soundtracker, Gordon Hempton, was presented by it’s filmmaker Nick Sherman,  keep your eye out for it on the festival circuit.   The film was an excellent portrait of one of the foremost nature recordists in the world.

Also John Muir Laws was in attendance providing a much welcome background and context about the natural world (which I sorely need).   John is the author of the definitive field guide(s) to the Sierras.  John introduced us to drawing techniques and suggested we look behind the names and explore the systems that work together to create the ecosystems that we live in.

All in all it was a wonderful weekend, many old friends and new were made and remade.  Some other links from the weekend are below.  For now enjoy a clip from Carman Valley:

Other recordings:

Rudy Trubitt:

Link #1

Nathan Moody:

Link #2


Link #3

Creative Commons LicenseThese Carman Valley recordings by GT Weddig are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Nature Sounds Society 2009 Workshop II

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

Image at Yuba Pass quad gregga array ORTF and Blumlein

This is part two of the Nature Sounds Society summer workshop field report:

Sunday Morning we had an early 4:30am start up at Yuba Pass, dawn chorus, there are a few pretty loud Song Sparrow calls (at 3:19-LOUD) early in the recording also woodpeckers, and many others that I have yet to identify.  The microphone array you are hearing is ORTF, though I also recorded a rear Blumlein pair.  Please post if you are interested in hearing it.

Double MS gregga array at Madora Lake, Plumas County, CA

Late morning as the group dispersed we visited Madora Lake which seems to be a stream fed lake though it may be a man-made spring.    This stereo track was derived from a 4 channel, double MS recording.  There are American Coots, Red-winged Blackbirds, Bullfrog and a persistently chipping that seemed to be a MacGillivray’s Wabrler.  After this successful recording location and a small picnic lunch the 2009 Nature Sounds Society workshop came to a close.  The recording below was originally part of a double MS recording on the gregga tree.

Creative Commons License

These NSS recordings and photos by GT Weddig is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Nature Sounds Society 2009 Workshop I

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

At the end of June I attended the annual workshop put on by the Bay Area based Nature Sounds Society.  Although this years workshop was lightly attended it allowed greater flexibility and mobility in selecting recording locations and activities.  Dan and Sharon led us through through the expected amazing sessions that touch on art, education, listening, activism and hands on construction.

I have been to the workshops in past years but this year was a bounty of new recording locations surrounding the Yuba Pass/Sierra Valley area of Northern California.

Friday night we had a interesting presentation by hummingbird researcher Chris Clark on the tail noises that occur during mating.

Saturday Morning:

Sierra Valley 4:30 am brought out a bunch of tired lightly caffinated recordists to the usual spot at Marble Hot Springs, the scenery  did not dissapoint.  Somehow I felt that the diversity of species was not a large as it had been in previous years but it was still an enjoyable morning.  I think you hear in this recording Wilson’s Snip, Marsh Wren, American Bittern, Red-winged Blackbird among others.  This is an ORTF soundscape using Schoeps MK-21 sub-cardioid capsules.

The time is 6:20, we are still in Sierra Valley at the Marble Hot Springs Bridge, the predominant callers are Cliff Swallows, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Bullfrog, American Coot, Western Meadowlark, and the domesticated cow (distant).   This is an ORTF soundscape using Schoeps MK-21 sub-cardioid capsules.

After breakfast in a picturesque mosquito covered highway rest area we were off scouting a new recording location.  It was reported that Carman Valley is in the process of having it’s wetland restored in collaboration with the local ranchers (and land owners).  Most of the recording at this location is a pastoral morning soundscape, but the end of the recording the Scrub Jays were acting up, so that is what you get to hear.  From my perspective this will be a popular stop on future recording trips.  This is an ORTF soundscape using Schoeps MK-21 sub-cardioid capsules.

Creative Commons License

These recordings and photos by GT Weddig is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Gray Lodge State Wildlife Area, Spring & Crop Duster May 2009

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

Image of dawn at the recording site

I have been out recording the last several weeks, just not finding the time to post here.  Because of it’s proximity I have been exploring Gray Lodge more fully.  This time of the year it means getting up pretty early, even though I only live 50 minutes away it means leaving at 4:00am or so to capture the dawn chorus.  Which is precisely what I have done this week.

Every time I visit I hope to find out something new, the second recording you hear is a reminder that the wildlife area is surrounded by working agricultural fields, which need to be seeded which in the case of rice is done by bi-plane, at 5:30 on a Sunday morning.  I would assume this is a similar process to crop dusting.

The first recording is the earlier recording, there is some distant traffic, trains and you can hear the bi-plane begin.  There are occasional Wild Turkeys and American Coot among the Red-winged Black Birds Marsh Wrens and others, if you can identify anything please let me know and I will update, thanks. This is an ORTF recording using Schoeps MK21 capsules.

First Recording:

The recording below is an Jecklin recording using DPA 4006 capsules.

Second Recording (caution loud planes throughout, unedited except for some rolloff):

Ranch near Flournoy, California

Sunday, April 12th, 2009

This last weekend I finally made it out for an overnight trip to a local private ranch I have had my eye on.  After obtaining permission from the owners I spent a beautiful night in California’s Coastal Range foothills.  As you can see from the photos everything is still green from the spring rain, in a few weeks it will start to turn a shimmering gold.  The oak trees show in these pictures The weather was partly cloudy and I was hoping to catch some frogs at the man made watering hole for the cattle that call this land home.  In the evening recording you will hear some Pacific Chorus Frogs over a bed of Spring Field Crickets.  This is an ORTF recording using Schoeps MK21 capsules.

I used the Gregga Array to support two stereo pair of mics the left side is a rear facing Jecklin disc and the right is a pair of MK21 Sub-cardioid micsin an ORTF configuration in a  windscreen.  Note how the wide stance of the tripod allows a very stable platform for the two arrays, no worries about cows tipping them over.  In the background you can see my yellow GPS and weather station.
The next morning came too early after  a fitful night of sleep, I had not counted on the moon being full and bright.   The cooing of Mourning Doves and the territorial call of the Western Meadowlark.  An early morning motorcycle broke the peace.  This was recorded using the Jecklin disk barrier with some DPA 4006 omni mics.

Creative Commons License

These Flournoy recordings and photos by GT Weddig is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Blackwater NWR Maryland, US

Saturday, May 17th, 2008
Image of Blackwater NWR recording area

This night recording was done with the Maryland Nature Recordists in May 2008.  I was at the Tubman Road Trail near marker #3.  There were open water sloughs on both sides of me.   The primary caller seems to be the Northern Cricket Frog, with Cope’s Gray Treefrog, Bald Eagle, Northern Bobwhite, Chuck Will’s widow,  possibly the Snowy Tree Cricket, and the occasional Wood Frog filling out the soundscape.
ORTF, Sennheiser 8040, SD 744t Creative Commons License

May 10, 2008 5:24 am Week #7

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

Foggy, rainy morning caused a rain out, I recorded about 20 minutes or so before the rain started growing more heavy.  The undergrowth is filling out, as is the canopy.  Again the whip-poor-will was calling when I arrived, in fact two or three of them were calling near the road before my hike in.  I must try a night recording here soon.  This recording was so nice I did cut out a short mid-section when I checked how wet the mics were, enjoy.
ORTF, Schoeps MK21, 744t Creative Commons License

April 26, 2008 5:45 am Week #6

Saturday, April 26th, 2008

I am trying to get up earlier to capture first light every week, but due to a number of factors I can only get so close.

This week we have a technical comparison between two sets of microphones. The first set is my standard Schoeps ORTF configuration, a set of MK21 capsules directly into the Sound Devices 744t mic preamplifier. The second set, a demo set of the Sennheiser MKH 8040 configured in ORTF. Keep in mind that the pattern of the two sets is slightly different: the Schoeps is a wide cardioid, the Sennheiser is a classic cardioid. I have done my best to match levels on these two samples.

The same part of the sound file was used for each sample. in about the middle of the recording you will hear me swatting a spider, I was recovering from a few spider bites from the previous week at the time.

ORTF, Schoeps MK21, 744t


ORTF, Sennheiser MKH 8040, Grace V3, 744t
Creative Commons License

March 30, 2008 6:30 am Week #3

Sunday, March 30th, 2008

As this recording begins you will hear my wife and I heading out for a hike, it was about 34 degrees Fahrenheit so we wanted to keep moving. We returned about 45 minutes later as the morning chorus was drawing to an end. During the slate, which I chose not to include on the recording a great horned owl called once to another in the distance. You’ll hear the usual calls that I have outlined before.

Prettyboy Project Audio

ORTF, Schoeps MK21, 744t Creative Commons License

March 23, 2008 6:15am Week #2

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Northern Cardinal, Mourning Dove, Red-bellied woodpecker, American Crow

ORTF, Schoeps MK21, 744t Creative Commons License

Blackwater NWR Maryland, US, Field adjacent to the wildlife drive

Thursday, February 28th, 2008
photo of snow geese @ Blackwater Wildlife Refuge

February 2008,  late morning at the end of the wildlife drive I found a small field of mostly snow geese and a few Canada geese.  I pulled to the side of the road and setup the mics using a car door as a wind break, it was very windy.   Several high altitude jets and the usual traffic din can be heard throughout, but it’s not bad for a side of the road recording.
ORTF MK21, SD 744t Creative Commons License

Saint Mark’s Pipe Organ, Baltimore

Thursday, August 23rd, 2007
St. Marks Organ Pipes Baltimore, MD

Several years ago I was asked to record the new Patrick J. Murphy and Associates organ at Saint Mark’s Lutheran Church in Baltimore Maryland.  It was up the street from where I was living at the time so I was happy to oblige.  James Harp is a fantastic organist and music director for this small congregation, as you’ll be able to hear on the samples below.  These tracks were recorded with an ORTF microphone pattern, Schoeps MK21, Sound Devices 744T.

Improvisation on Judas Maccabaeus 3:36 James Harp, organist and composer
Liebestod” from Tristan und Isolde 8:48 Organist: James Harp, Composer: Richard Wagner
Froberger’s “Preludium in d minor” 3:13 James Harp, organist

All tracks posted with permission: copyright (c) 2010 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Baltimore

Carolina Sandhills NWR South Carolina, US (Pool E)

Thursday, June 28th, 2007
Cheraw State Park

A Maryland Nature Recordists road trip led to south Carolina for a weekend of recording workshops and exchange of ideas.  Recorded at the SONG Conference in June, 2007.  In the Carolina Sandhill National Wildlife Refuge, “Pool E”.  Carpenter Frogs, Eastern Wood Peewee, Red Cockaded Woodpecker, Carolina Wren, are among the many species heard in this recording.  Special thanks goes out to Robin Carter for putting this event together.
ORTF, Schoeps MK21,SD 744t

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Sierra Valley Bridge, California, US

Saturday, June 25th, 2005

Sierra Bridge

Cliff Swallows & Yellow Headed-blackbirds, CA Jun 2005
Another Nature Sound society workshop, this was recorded at the truss bridge.  There were Black Ibis and American Coot in the area as well.

ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Alcatraz Island Ambiance, San Francisco, California US

Saturday, May 21st, 2005

Recorded at Alcatraz Island, GGNRA, CA May 2005
The next morning the  same side of the island, very strange Dan Dugan and I spent the night in cellblock B.  You can hear a Pigeon Guillemot
at the very top of the recording, it’s the very high pitched one.  Also Western Gulls and Brant’s Cormorants (the croaky, grunty one).
ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

Alcatraz Island Ambiance San Francisco, California US ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

Snowy Egret & Black-Crowned Night Herons, San Francisco, California US

Friday, May 20th, 2005

Feeding on Alcatraz GGNRA, CA May 2005 Dan Dugan and I  were invited to record some of the nesting birds.  This was a superb location on the south side of the island, we were able to place the mics within 5′ of the nesting birds.  There were juvenile herons flying in and out throughout the late afternoon light.
ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Godwit Days (Marsh Ambiance) Arcata, California US

Sunday, April 17th, 2005

GodwitApril 2005
Another listening/recording workshop put on by Paul Matzner and myself.  Just off of highway 1 on the south side of Arcata at the nature center.  If you listen carefully you can hear Paul across the marsh doing his soundwalk.

ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0