Ranch near Flournoy, California

Sunday, April 12th, 2009

This last weekend I finally made it out for an overnight trip to a local private ranch I have had my eye on.  After obtaining permission from the owners I spent a beautiful night in California’s Coastal Range foothills.  As you can see from the photos everything is still green from the spring rain, in a few weeks it will start to turn a shimmering gold.  The oak trees show in these pictures The weather was partly cloudy and I was hoping to catch some frogs at the man made watering hole for the cattle that call this land home.  In the evening recording you will hear some Pacific Chorus Frogs over a bed of Spring Field Crickets.  This is an ORTF recording using Schoeps MK21 capsules.

I used the Gregga Array to support two stereo pair of mics the left side is a rear facing Jecklin disc and the right is a pair of MK21 Sub-cardioid micsin an ORTF configuration in a  windscreen.  Note how the wide stance of the tripod allows a very stable platform for the two arrays, no worries about cows tipping them over.  In the background you can see my yellow GPS and weather station.
The next morning came too early after  a fitful night of sleep, I had not counted on the moon being full and bright.   The cooing of Mourning Doves and the territorial call of the Western Meadowlark.  An early morning motorcycle broke the peace.  This was recorded using the Jecklin disk barrier with some DPA 4006 omni mics.

Creative Commons License

These Flournoy recordings and photos by GT Weddig is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.