Back from China

Monday, April 30th, 2007

Greg & Nicole in Beihei Park, Beijing

We’re back from China, didn’t find many quiet serene places but did come back with a wealth of urban soundscapes which I’ll be posting in the next few days.  We visited Beijing, Xi’an, and Simatai (Great Wall),  we loved our time in this beautiful country.  Nicole spent almost 7 weeks there finishing her final clinical rotation for nursing school.


Xi’an Belltower Xi’an (西安) China

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

Photo Xi'an Belltower (钟楼)

It was about 2pm in the afternoon when this bell started ringing across the square in the center of the city.  The belltower (钟楼), across from the appropriately named drumtower, and between the Belltower Hotel, once contained a much larger bell used for announcing the time.
Captured with DPA 4060 lavaliere mics into the SD 744t.  Use headphones for best effect.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Fish Market Xi’an China

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

photo of fish market wares

April 25th, 2007
Across from our hotel in Xi’an was a fish market: eel, flounder, toads, and jellyfish were among many that were unknown to us.  The highlight of this recording for me was a boy of about 6 or 7 who paused in his shrimp de-veining duties (or whatever his family was doing) and said “hello”.  The sound that comes out of his mouth sounded like a musical note, or the ploink of dripping water.  Captured with DPA 4060 lavaliere mics into the SD 744t.  Use headphones for best effect.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Simatai Song, Simatai (司馬臺), China

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

Photo of muscicianApril 23, 2007
Returning from our exploration of this steep and remote section of the Great Wall, my traveling partner Ron and I came across this blind man playing his sanxian ().  He blessed us with two songs, the second of which is represented here. Derived from an MS recording, Schoeps MK21/8 into a Sound Devices 744t.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Summer Palace Singing, Beijing, China

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

Photo Summer Palace (頤和園)

It is Spring at the Summer Palace (頤和園), my wife Nicole and I were exploring the freshly blooming flora and we came upon this ethereal voice from the far reaches of the woods.  The close singer, reports Nicole, seemed to be mocking the mysterious voice.  Hordes of Chinese tourists were also present.  Captured with DPA 4060 lavaliere mics into the SD 744t.  Use headphones for best effect.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Chaoyang Bus Ride, Beijing, China

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

Wangjing street

April 22, 2007 / 9:22 am
Nicole and I were heading to the Summer Palace.  We picked up this bus near Wangjing District and took it to Chaoyang, near the hospital where she was working at the time.  The bus was packed pretty full, comfortable for those of us used to riding MUNI buses through San Francisco’s Chinatown during rush hour.
DPA 4060 lavaliere mics into the SD 744t.  Use headphones for best effect.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0