Archive for the 'Urban Soundscape' Category

Covid-19 Social Distancing

Saturday, March 21st, 2020

We are just heading into the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic surge here in California. I needed to get my new recording rig out locally to confirm that I can backpack it (yes), not damage it while traveling (yes) and fit all of my necessities (tent, sleeping bag, etc.) (probably). My backpack in the the far right middle of the photo.

The crackling you hear is from the power lines above, this is in Chico, California’s Bidwell Park and the city rumble is heavily rolled off the bottom end. One can hear park users in the distance. It is a quad recording so if you can figure out how to listen to four channels please enjoy the immersion

I recorded in the same place about 10 years ago as outlined here. That was stereo, this is a quad with a sub-cardioid (MKH 8090), into a SD MixPre10 II.

Creative Commons License

Cedarville Cattle Drive

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Image of cattle drive proceeding through the middle of a small town street.

I was on a scouting trip to the northeast corner of California, checking out the Warner Range and other recording opportunities.  I was in Cedarville having a greasy breakfast a a local joint which had a little buzz going that morning, it wasn’t just the coffee.  I found out that one of the large ranches was transporting  200-300 head of cattle to their Summer grazing grounds up in the mountains.  This involved a cattle drive through the middle of downtown.  Since by the time I got out of breakfast the herd was fast approaching, I pulled out the microphones and this is what I heard:

As I continued exploring the area I had several other opportunities to drive through the same cattle swarm.  Good thing I wasn’t in a hurry.

MS, Schoeps MK21, SD 744t Creative Commons License

Bidwell Park power lines

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Photo Courtesy of t_camuti ©2006

The sound you are about to hear is one that fascinated me the first time I took a walk in Bidwell Park.  In January I recorded it, reported to be the third largest urban park in the US, Bidwell Park is located within the city limits of Chico, CA near “Lake” Oroville and the Oroville Dam whose power travels along said lines.   The crackling that is heard is an effect called corona discharge [Wikipedia] and is caused by the interaction of power and humidity or other particles in the air surrounding the lines  (as I understand it).

As you can hear the city of Chico is on the right side of the image, it is somewhat heavily rolled off to provide a more pleasant listening experience.

MS, Schoeps MK21, SD 744t Creative Commons License

Introducing Eleanor Marie

Friday, January 29th, 2010

On January 29th after 21 hours of labor (and about the same amount of compressed audio recording) we heard this very first sound:

Nicole and I are proud parents.  I won’t share the rest of the recording with you.  Surprisingly, none of the nursing staff gave me trouble about having a large microphone in the room, I guess it’s less equipment than those who bring video in.  I think I would find video less intimate and actually easier to watch than listening to the sounds of a woman laboring and delivering.

It brings tears to my eyes hearing these first cries again.

Thanks for allowing this diversion from the usual content.


Tree Lighting in Chico

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

Happy Holidays (Chico State Brass Band & Vocal Duet @ Enloe Hospital Tree Lighting):

Xi’an Belltower Xi’an (西安) China

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

Photo Xi'an Belltower (钟楼)

It was about 2pm in the afternoon when this bell started ringing across the square in the center of the city.  The belltower (钟楼), across from the appropriately named drumtower, and between the Belltower Hotel, once contained a much larger bell used for announcing the time.
Captured with DPA 4060 lavaliere mics into the SD 744t.  Use headphones for best effect.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Fish Market Xi’an China

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

photo of fish market wares

April 25th, 2007
Across from our hotel in Xi’an was a fish market: eel, flounder, toads, and jellyfish were among many that were unknown to us.  The highlight of this recording for me was a boy of about 6 or 7 who paused in his shrimp de-veining duties (or whatever his family was doing) and said “hello”.  The sound that comes out of his mouth sounded like a musical note, or the ploink of dripping water.  Captured with DPA 4060 lavaliere mics into the SD 744t.  Use headphones for best effect.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Simatai Song, Simatai (司馬臺), China

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

Photo of muscicianApril 23, 2007
Returning from our exploration of this steep and remote section of the Great Wall, my traveling partner Ron and I came across this blind man playing his sanxian ().  He blessed us with two songs, the second of which is represented here. Derived from an MS recording, Schoeps MK21/8 into a Sound Devices 744t.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Summer Palace Singing, Beijing, China

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

Photo Summer Palace (頤和園)

It is Spring at the Summer Palace (頤和園), my wife Nicole and I were exploring the freshly blooming flora and we came upon this ethereal voice from the far reaches of the woods.  The close singer, reports Nicole, seemed to be mocking the mysterious voice.  Hordes of Chinese tourists were also present.  Captured with DPA 4060 lavaliere mics into the SD 744t.  Use headphones for best effect.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Chaoyang Bus Ride, Beijing, China

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

Wangjing street

April 22, 2007 / 9:22 am
Nicole and I were heading to the Summer Palace.  We picked up this bus near Wangjing District and took it to Chaoyang, near the hospital where she was working at the time.  The bus was packed pretty full, comfortable for those of us used to riding MUNI buses through San Francisco’s Chinatown during rush hour.
DPA 4060 lavaliere mics into the SD 744t.  Use headphones for best effect.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Lake Roland (Park) Baltimore, Maryland USA

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

Maryland Nature Recordists outing with Danny Meltzer, his recording can be found here.  This is based on a double MS recording, featuring Schoeps MK21 sub -cardioid  capsules. Download the wma file to listen.

Robert E. Lee Park Baltimore, Maryland USA

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

5 Fulton, Inbound San Francisco, CA US

Monday, June 9th, 2003
Muni Bus

MUNI in San Francisco, CA  Short clip of longer recording.
I was heading to the Embarcadero farmer’s market from Western Addition where I was living at the time (hi Shanan!).  Use headphones for best effect.
Quasi-Binaural, DPA 4061, HHB MDP500

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0