Archive for the 'Natural Soundscape' Category

Alcatraz Island Ambiance, San Francisco, California US

Saturday, May 21st, 2005

Recorded at Alcatraz Island, GGNRA, CA May 2005
The next morning the  same side of the island, very strange Dan Dugan and I spent the night in cellblock B.  You can hear a Pigeon Guillemot
at the very top of the recording, it’s the very high pitched one.  Also Western Gulls and Brant’s Cormorants (the croaky, grunty one).
ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

Alcatraz Island Ambiance San Francisco, California US ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

Snowy Egret & Black-Crowned Night Herons, San Francisco, California US

Friday, May 20th, 2005

Feeding on Alcatraz GGNRA, CA May 2005 Dan Dugan and I  were invited to record some of the nesting birds.  This was a superb location on the south side of the island, we were able to place the mics within 5′ of the nesting birds.  There were juvenile herons flying in and out throughout the late afternoon light.
ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Godwit Days (Marsh Ambiance) Arcata, California US

Sunday, April 17th, 2005

GodwitApril 2005
Another listening/recording workshop put on by Paul Matzner and myself.  Just off of highway 1 on the south side of Arcata at the nature center.  If you listen carefully you can hear Paul across the marsh doing his soundwalk.

ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Sandhill Crane Flyout Lodi, California US

Saturday, November 6th, 2004

Lodi Sunrise

Featuring Tundra Swans, At the Lodi Crane Festival, November 2004
Paul Matzner and I were presenting a recording/listening workshop for the second time.  This year we had time for some recording, this represents my first  (and last) effort at field  recording with a laptop.  I powered my MOTU 896 HD from a 12v battery and an inverter.  The laptop gave out before the interface.  It really proved to me the difficulty of field recording with a laptop.
A-B, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, MOTU 896, Laptop  Based on the original surround recording with the “gregga array”.

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Surround Sandhill Crane Snippet, Lodi, California, US

Saturday, November 6th, 2004
Lodi Surround Equipment
November 2004
This is a small sample of what the whole four channels sounded like that morning, if I recall the front channels were the MK21 sub-cardioids and the rear were the DPA 4006 omnis.  Recorded out of the uniquely colored Oakland Museum station wagon.
Quad recording into a laptop (you wil need a surround compatible sound card and setup)
This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Morning Ambiance Kewaskum, Wisconsin US

Saturday, July 3rd, 2004

3rd of July, 2004
The morning was full of mosquitoes, a cardinal was calling, a few red-wing blackbirds were around as well.  I retreated to the car as soon as I started rolling.
M-S, Schoeps MK41/MK8, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Summer at Sequoia National Park, California, US

Sunday, June 20th, 2004

Sequoia National Park, CA June 2004 5:00 am
There was a lovely stream or two running through our camp, Nicole and I encountered a bear and cub on our way up to the camp spot.
For some reason there were deer around the campground as well looking and licking for salt urine, or at least that is what they seemed to be doing.  There is a stream in the distance running through Mehrten Meadow.
ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V3, HHB MDP500

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Sierra Valley Singing, California, US

Saturday, June 21st, 2003
Sierra Valley

Sierra Valley CA June 2003 This was during the Nature Sounds Society workshop that year.  I’m sure there was a fine mist burning off of the sunrise, and the cows were getting ready to break into their morning song.
ORTF, Schoeps MK21, Grace V2, HHB MDP500

This work by Greg Weddig is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0