Archive for the 'home' Category


Saturday, July 7th, 2007
Two canoes on teh beach near our campsite.

We have just returned from a portaging trip with some friends of ours, we spend about 6 days paddling in Canada’s serene Algonquin Provincial Park.  While it rained a little bit every day, overall the weather was excellent for lugging seemingly heavy canoes and backpacks (loaded with gourmet food).  Our expedition took us to remote parts of the park where we were we saw  common loons, moose, giant snapping turtles and several kinds of frogs.  It was a good way to celebrate Nicole’s graduation from nursing school and put some distance between the busy school schedule and the beginning of her new career.

Back from China

Monday, April 30th, 2007

Greg & Nicole in Beihei Park, Beijing

We’re back from China, didn’t find many quiet serene places but did come back with a wealth of urban soundscapes which I’ll be posting in the next few days.  We visited Beijing, Xi’an, and Simatai (Great Wall),  we loved our time in this beautiful country.  Nicole spent almost 7 weeks there finishing her final clinical rotation for nursing school.